LT Multimedia Design Services

Linda J Thomsen

professional experience in graphic, multimedia design, with a strong foundation in direct sales and marketing

Christmas Time

Covid Christmas Card 2020 We followed the Covid Guidelines and self isolated this holiday. We missed the family Christmas traditions but still enjoyed lots of group calls, eggnogs and Christmas! Definitely time for more exercise and less short bread. Download Christmas Card


Hi I’m Linda Thomsen or LT as a lot of my family and friends call me. Resume for LT Over a QUARTER OF A CENTURY of professional experience! Creative, tech-savvy graphic designer with extensive experience in multimedia, marketing and print design. Skilled in client and vendor relations and negotiations; talented at building and maintaining partnerships. …

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BC Summer Games

branding, signage, maps, badges, posters, ads, interviews are some of the things I did! with The BC Summer Games 2018. They kept me busy throughout this event! Making HUGE 10 feet high signage for the opening and closing ceremonies. I made maps,with customized icons and symbols for the legend! Lots of production work mapping out …

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Paint All The Things !!

paint all the things I paint on everything. Walls, cars, rocks, wood and even canvas sometimes! Currently I’m obsessed with painting my chickens…​ A happy hen house hobby has blended well with my painting hobby. The hen’s (and roosters) animated personalities provide a seemingly endless supply of rainbow coloured eggs, amusement, and creative inspiration. 

Folk Art for Movie Set

TSN Movie Productions I had a fun contract last year with TCS Productions Inc. providing folk art paintings for their small town Virginia set – I painted several acrylic canvases. (after Grandma Moses and Cathy Horvink) rock heads rock head rock head All