As a Freelance Designer I accept Full-Time, Part-Time, One Time or Once in a While Time and Always On Time Time

Full Time
Designed and developed print and web materials. Assisted with planning and organizing ceremonies and events. Even got out from behind my computer to interview and photograph some participants and events.

Part Time
Monthly Campaigns for the Store’s Point of Purchase, website and social media. Banners, social media profiles, headers and slides, Google ads and 20% ads, Coupons and magazine ads, and local newspapers.

Full Time
I was a full time employee with Future Shop as a desktop publisher and also did contract work with Best Buy and Future Shop several times after that - during their Christmas Season Rush.

Maternity Leave
I wore several hats here as the marketing coordinator and loved it. Nathan Allan manufactures unique kiln-formed glass. A dozen employees provide exclusive, in demand product around the world - talk about multi-tasking!