LT Multimedia Design Services

Virtual Fine Arts Show Gallery - Cowichan Valley Arts Council

The Cowichan Valley Fine Arts Show has a longstanding tradition of exhibiting remarkable original work that excites and inspires a community year after year. This year has presented challenges as well as opportunities for CVAC. Our members have responded to the call by providing select pieces of their work to share in this virtual exhibition. 

"Darthy" (Darth Vader) The 'Prick'ly Rooster 20" Acrylic

Darthy in the Blackberries 2020

My Plymouth Barred Rock Rooster "Darthy" gathered the hens under the blackberry bush when any glide past shadow blocked his rays.

LT Graphic Design Services

A happy hen house hobby has blended well with my painting hobby. The hen’s (and roosters) animated personalities provide an endless supply of rainbow coloured eggs, amusement, and creative inspiration. 

Free Range Rainbow Eggs